and yes these are real and really about me, Witch Woman:

I still can't tie my laces the "big girl way" I make bunny loops etc.

I cannot whistle

I smoke cigarettes, a pack a day (don't bother lecturing me I am not listening)

I drink gallons of coffee everyday

I hate socks and shoes and go barefoot as often as I can

I would rather plunk my arse down on the grass/ground than on a chair or bench, I prefer the
feel of the earth beneath me

I often sit on my front lawn, cross-legged, watching the kids, waiting for hubby etc.

I don't drink or do drugs at all

I can't stand getting over heated, it makes me sick to my tummy

I get car sick

On one occasion I tripped over a dead body and another occasion I found a dead body

One of my births was by emergency C-section, one natural and the other three with drugs

My entire wardrobe is black and I wear black everyday. Some think I am in mourning, or depressed or it's because I am a witch; the truth is I am partly colour blind and would rather not dress funny

I sleep with a rag doll every night, with rough wooly hair, under my chin so I can feel the scritchy-ness

I make my children say grace and bedtime prayers everyday

I love foggy days

I am a morning person

I grind my teeth while I sleep, probably because I have something scritchy under my chin

Bright lights hurt my head, so everyone says we live in a cave

The room usually stops when I enter it (on social occasions)

When I yell I sound like a drill-sergent

I am an alto

I was accepted at the Toronto School of the Arts when I was 13, but did not attend

I used to astral travel

I was the first female in Canada to win the Craftsman's Award, for graphic arts, back in grade 10

In the year 2001 there was 9/11, ten days later my paternal grandmother died and 7 days after that my mother died

I can read tarot and regular cards as well as tea leaves, with a fair amount of accuracy (don't ask me for a reading, they generally do not work long distance)

Wicca found me, in a bookstore, when a book, The Witches Bible, fell on my head, literally

I have never fainted

I have never been out of Canada and have only been in my own province and Quebec


  1. Jack Payne said...
    I ended off my most current blog piece with "Witches can be crafty too." Different premise. But, I can see, from your self-analysis, the joys of witchdom. And, you have now convinced me that witches should not be stoned, nor should they be burned at the stake.
    Anonymous said...
    Welcome Jack, good to see you here!
    And I am glad I have convinced someone :)

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