Yesterday was my birthday, so I am now 37 and need to update my About page. It wasn't a bad day, I don't mind getting older, I just mind when I feel older. My husband took the kids to the dollar store and they each got me something; a fake mini orchid plant (to maybe make up for the real and beautiful one the cats knocked over and killed?), three stones each engraved with a word: Happiness, Love and Kisses (I collect rocks and stones) and a stuffed witch from my 10 year old (because the Halloween stuff is out and every witch should have her own witch?). My Dad and step-mother came over after dinner, McDonald's so I didn't have to cook, and brought me an ice cream cake and a card with $50.00 in it.

I am very torn about the money, we need to pay bills, money was spent on McDonald's which should not have been, our computer is completely fried and needs to be taken in to be repaired and we are currently using our daughter old one. But its supposed to be for me and I desperately need clothes, but I know I will feel guilty if I do buy something for myself, even if everyone says I should not.

I also went to have a coffee with one of the mom's down the street, that I met when school started, as everyone one the street has to meet at the same place for the school bus. She, we'll call her Deb, seems like a very nice lady. She gave me a birthday card and my son some hand me down pants , but is definately a bit of an alcoholic. Some of the moms bring their mugs of coffee with them as we traipse these children about, hers has wine in it. Yesterday, in the hour I was there, she had two glasses of wine and filled her mug as we left to go grab the kids. I like her though, she is very straight forward and honest. Her one statement did concern me though, about another mom on the street that lives directly across from us, she said and I quote "I like to drink but at least I look after my kids."

Now I don't actually know the woman across the way but I don't like her, didn't like her even before Deb said what she said. Nothing has really happened nor has she said anything to me other than good morning and have a good day, but my spidey senses are tingling.


  1. ng said...
    I hope it was been a great birthday!

    Don't care what people say about other people. Follow only yourself: Witches can understand people's personality better than anybody. If you feel that woman to be a good person (even if she drinks a bit), enjoy with her.
    KAT said...
    Glad you had a great birthday, and as for the neighbors...remember, your insight will lead you.
    Anonymous said...
    I think I will enjoy her company murcielago, (can I call you murc?) while I keep a good eye on the other!
    Anonymous said...
    Yes, I need to remember that kat, sometimes I don't listen to my gut and regret it later.

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